Saturday, August 8, 2020 @ 7:30pm MDT

In order to watch this show you must REGISTER FIRST and get your FREE TICKET by following the step-by-step instructions below. You will not be able to watch the show without this ticket, so make sure you complete the order. Once you click “Place Order,” you will receive an email confirming that you successfully registered.

STEP-BY-STEP (Read thru these first)

  1. Get a FREE TICKET by clicking here.
  2. (Because of a current glitch in our new livestream system, you will need to apply the coupon code LIVESTREAM at the shopping cart page or at the checkout page in order to complete the transaction)
  3. Don’t worry, no payment information will be required. (It’s a free ticket, after all!)
  4. After that, return to this page (you might have to “refresh” from your browser), and you will be good to go!
  5. If you come back at a later date, you might have to log back in to your account. You can click the “My Account” link at the top of the webpage, or just go to this link here.

As always, if you can support at this time, since we’re still offering these concerts for free, we are humbly requesting a contribution of $20 per stream (kinda like a concert ticket!) to help Face navigate being a full-time band, still trying to support ourselves and our families in this REALLY WEIRD TIME. (You will find all appropriate links below, as well as on our video screen) Thank you for your donations, likes, shares, and comments!

Stay safe, healthy, and happy, and ENJOY THE SHOW!

Face Vocal Band
PO Box 11093
Boulder, CO  80301

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