The Perfect Gift for Any Occasion!


A personalized recorded video from Face Vocal Band is the perfect way to make any message or celebration unforgettable.



Need a quick shoutout that hits all the right notes?

For $50, whether it’s a “Happy Birthday”, “Congrats”, or just a “Hey there!” we’ll send you a Face-tastic Face-2-Face Shoutout greeting straight from the whole band!

It’s a short and sweet (30-second) way to bring a smile to someone’s day.

(Quick note…if you want the message to include the guys singing, you’ll want to choose one of the Snippet Serende, Face Birthday Gift, or Full-Face Performance options instead.)

Order Your Face-2-Face Shoutout ($50)

Let’s take things up a notch!

For $100, our Face Snippet Serenade gives you a personalized shoutout plus a taste of one of your favorite Face Vocal Band songs.

It’s like a mini 1-minute Face concert, delivered straight to your inbox!

(Quick note…if you want our Happy Birthday song, you’ll want to choose the Face Birthday Gift option below.)

Order Your Snippet Serenade with Greeting ($100)

For $150, our Face Birthday Gift gives your recipient a personalized birthday shoutout plus the full rendition of Face’s unique take on the Happy Birthday song!

Order Your Birthday Face Gift ($150)

For those moments when only the whole song will do, get ready for the ultimate Face video experience!

For $200, you can choose your favorite tune from our existing repertoire and we’ll deliver the full song just for you, plus a personalized greeting!

The Full-Face Performance is the full 4-minute package. It’s like having your own private concert, except you don’t have to leave your couch.

Pretty sweet, right?

Order Your Full-Face Performance ($200)

Important (but Fun) Notes About Your Personalized Video!